Tuesday, October 23, 2007


After everything we read and discussed about oedipus rex, fate, predestination, freewill,responsibility and all of that I feel like I'm walking away with more questions than knowledge. Maybe thats part of understanding?
At first I thought Oedipus gave me insight into my dads phrase " Life's hard, then you die baby." Which I suppose the story did momentarily. You can't change your fate... Running from it will create chaos and accepting fate will bring lead one to theres. Secondly, the nature of responsibility is like a security gaurd with a big old nightstick and a beer belly full of resentment. It is not slighty sympathetic, and it doesn't matter what kind of person you are. Every action will have a consequence. You are responsible for even the actions you don't mean to act... If that makes since.
Then along comes Harold crick. He spends his story attempting to change his fate and, following the pattern, the does create chaos. He accepts his fate, the chaos ceases, and he meets his destiny. But - he changed it!!
Or did he?
Was that his fate all along?
Maybe it wasn't and everyone is in control of there own destiny.
So why then does mankind feel the need to have a creator who is all empowering and divine?
Do we want to control our fate, or would we be better off in some gods' hands?
Definently not in the case of Oedipus.
Should we try do act noble, or will and ultimate fate prevail no matter what?
if the ladder is true, than should we just do whatever pleases our own soul? Do we tell ourselves that fate exists to feel better?
Are fate and freewill really incapable of coexistance?
Does any of it really matter?

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