Friday, November 9, 2007

Why is love so complex? Gee, if only i knew. I guess the complexity of love in conceived because of all the different -for lack of a better word- kinds of love. To me it doesn't even make sense to throw all the various "loves" under one title. You have the: "Oh, Fabio, thank-you for killing that vampire for me and squeezing your firm buttox to enticingly while doing so, I love you." Then theres grandparent, 60 year old :
"I love you Mildred Heffelfinger!"
" you have to go poo? AGAIN? Me too... "
You've got the awkward I love yous' exchanged between guy friends that are only to be stated in that one moment where you comrade has pulled you from the psycho ex-girlfriend. The head over heals, can't keep my hands off you newly-wed love. You have the "oh my gawd, don't you just love the shoes?" love. the teenage love : " I love you, lets have sex." The extremities of maternal love... I can't even begin to think of them all. What is love anyways? I guess what all these "loves" have in common, what makes them so complex is that it is one of the few things that doesn't really make sense or fit ino a clear definition. It just is what it is. One can't rationalize or try to understand it. All we can hope to do is some day feel it.
One thing I can say definently is you'll know when it hits you, and then once you define love, clearly for yourself,everything will just get more complicated.